Webinar: Enslaved Series: Rise! Black Resistance: Gabriel’s Revolt to George Floyd
Event Category: Presentations/Discussions
Enslaved Series: Rise!
Black Resistance: Gabriel’s Revolt to George Floyd
Sunday, August 29, 2021 at 10:00 AM
Rise: Narratives of Resistance
“Rise” questions the genre of slave rebellion in all its commercial and political uses.
I argue the central dynamic (social power and submission) is less about Black agency than about readerly [White] pleasure.
Texts like “Nat Turner’s Rebellion,” or even “The Life of Frederick Douglass” (or sci-fi spin-offs of the genre such as Battlestar Galactica and Westworld) fulfill the contract a narrative implicitly makes with a reader: give me pleasure but don’t make me complicit.
Enslaved Series Overview
“Enslaved” will examine:
1) the broad European beginnings (in philosophy and material practice) of the transatlantic slaver empires;
2) the developing commodity practice of selling humans, from its islands and Latin American beginnings, to the English colonies and the eventual States and beyond;
3) the interlocking system of law and practical enslavement, Indigene as well as Black, upon which an empire of wealth and death established itself;
4) after 1774 the structural dependency of State economies (North and South) on the selling of black bodies;
5) the forms of active and passive resistance to the colonizers and the rise of the stateless;
6) and finally, the defining in law and through cultural norms and social practice, of the caste of legal Whiteness in Anglo-colonial society. These interconnected narratives bring us to the present political scene: the development of a raced (White) Ethnostate in contemporary US.