Seminar: International Insurance Options || WeExpats Insurance Solutions
Event Category: Learning/Education and Presentations/Discussions
Seminar: International Insurance Options
Tuesday, January 15
10 am or 1 pmEl Zaguan Bed and Art
Zacateros 12
Special Seminar for the Expat Community interested in learning more about International Insurance Options and to understand the healthcare system here.
Presented by Aldis Barsketis, WeExpats Insurance Solutions. Leading broker of insurance products to the expat community of San Miguel De Allende since 2012 and protecting over 800 expats.
Tuesday Jan 15th at 10 am morning OR a second session at 1 pm.
What will be covered:
-An overview of International Health Insurance and Emergency Evacuations Options for Expats. “Options to protect yourself short term or long term on your adventure abroad.”
-What to expect in a medical emergency, Red Cross, Local and regional Hospitals and Clinics. New Red Cross heart procedures, trauma care. Emergency numbers.
– Health insurance companies, concerns, underwriting, age limits of 75, keeping policies for life guaranteed. Companies WEA/Pa Group, VUMI Expat VIP and IMG. Benefits of each and their differences. Three companies, many options!
-Unimed, H+, MAC Hospitals, updates and our experiences with our clients for care. Which one should you go to? Local doctors.
-Coordinating with Medicare, Medicare Supplements, and Canadian Provincial Plans
-A brief overview of Seguro Popular, IMMS, are these a solution? Future of these plans?
-Overview of actual local healthcare costs, experiences from recent major claims we have seen here. We have over 800 clients and paid out over $500,000 Usd of health claims last year.
-How Medical Evacuation Programs really work (or not) and coordinating with these plans. New providers that cover you worldwide, not just in Mexico.
-Opting out of Obamacare (ACA) plans in the US. Should you continue these plans? Do they work here in Mexico?
-Basic overview of premium costs, restrictions, coverage options for Mexico ,Worldwide or adding the USA/ Canada coverage, direct reimbursement to Mexico hospital programs
Brief Overview of other services our firm offers including homeowners, renters and auto insurance and our relationship with Novamar Insurance Mexico.
The seminar will last about 1 hour, with a Q and A afterward.
Light breakfast and snacks will be served.
Spots are limited (we have only 12) to make sure everyone’s questions will be answered.Where:
El Zaguan Bed and Art
Located on Zacateros 12, Between Umaran and Pila Seca. Look for our WeExpats sign.
Rsvp is mandatory. This seminar is very popular and our seminars in October and November filled up quickly.
Email your name and contact information and AM or PM session to support (at) weexpats (dot) com no spaces that’s Please do not respond to this email. Or visit our seminar section of our website to sign up.
Call US 435-714-7012 ( leave a message if needed) Can’t make it? Let us know and we can call you, email you or meet with you.Aldis Barsketis (Adweexpatsjan2019)
WeExpats “Insurance for Expats by Expats” located in San Miguel de Allende since 2012 We offer:
– International Short Term of Long Term Health Insurance
– Medical Evacuation Membership Plans
– US or Canadian Plated Car Insurance
Call us, email us, lets meet WeExpats Insurance Solutions Aldis Barsketis Offices Jesus 11, by appointment