Learn About Waldorf Schooling via ZOOM
Event Category: Presentations/Discussions
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
10:30 am
Arbol de Vida is an educational community inspired by the Waldorf Pedagogy. Our mission is that science, dance, music, theater, literature, history, mythology, art and much more are not just subjects to read and evaluate; But that they be transmitted in a experiential way so that through these experiences our students cultivate a love of knowledge and develop intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual capacities that will serve to lead their lives giving them a sense and direction that serve humanity. Our initiative is a non-profit organization that offers children ages 3 through 12 the opportunity to grow fully, supported by a community of active and committed parents and teachers. Join our video channels: is an educational community inspired by the Waldorf Pedagogy. Our mission is that science, dance, music, theater, literature, history, mythology, art and much more are not just subjects to read and evaluate; But that they be transmitted in a experiential way so that through these experiences our students cultivate a love of knowledge and develop intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual capacities that will serve to lead their lives giving them a sense and direction that serve humanity. http://www.youtube.com/user/rudolfsteiner100 http://vimeo.com/waldorfarboldevida
Árbol de Vida es una comunidad educativa inspirada en la Pedagogía Waldorf. Nuestra misión es que ciencia, danza, música, teatro, literatura, historia, mitología, arte y mucho más, no sean simplemente materias para leer y evaluar; sino que se transmitan de manera vivencial para que a través de estas experiencias nuestros alumnos cultiven amor por el conocimiento y desarrollen capacidades intelectuales, emocionales, físicas y espirituales, que les sirvan para conducir sus vidas dándoles un sentido y dirección que sirvan a la humanidad. Nuestra iniciativa es una organización sin fines de lucro que ofrece a los niños de entre 3 hasta 12 años la oportunidad de desarrollarse integralmente, sostenidos por una comunidad de padres de familia y maestros activos y comprometidos.