A Tour through Western Musical History [] LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAM

Event Category: All Events and Learning/Education

  • March 18, 20 and 21

    Instructor: Cherie Hughes

    Have you always been curious about music?  Where does our musical language and notation system come from? How can you tell the difference between one musical style and another? What do we mean when we talk about pitch, melody, and rhythm?

    In this class, we are going to take a grand tour through Western music history from the origins of notation in the 800s to present day. We will start in the Medieval period, looking at the beginning of written music, and exploring early musical forms such as the Mass and Motet. Then we will head to the Renaissance where we will explore polyphony and the impact of historical events such as the Protestant Reformation, Counter Reformation, and war on the music of the time.

    Moving on to the Baroque era, we will look at instrument making and its impact on the rise of instrumental music. Heading into the Classical period, we will encounter composers that are especially famous to our modern ear. We will look at Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven as well as the origins of the String Quartet, Concerto, and Symphony. As we head into the Romantic period, we will encounter familiar sounds and forms that are still influencing composers today. Finally, we will look at some of the avant-garde musical developments that mirrored in many ways the Impressionistic and Abstract art trends of the 20th century. Come expand your ears, learn more about old favorites, and be inspired by new musical sounds.

    Cherie Hughes was Head of Performance Voice and European Musicology for many years at Seattle Pacific University where she taught a variety of courses in European music history, vocal pedagogy and song literature; and directed both operatic and musical productions.  In addition to university teaching, she is an accomplished soloist and chamber musician. A specialist in music for voice and guitar, she collaborated for many years with Mexican guitarist Roberto Limón in concerts throughout Mexico, including Saltillo, Guanajuato, Tijuana, and at the Bellas Artes in Mexico City. Her other collaborations include numerous chamber works with string and wind musicians, new composition premieres, as well as soloist work in both oratorio and opera. You can find her professional recordings on your favorite music streaming service, as well as more information about her work and teaching at cherielhughes.com.

    How to Register

    Register at the Instituto Allende or via PayPal at https://www.instituto-allende.edu.mx/en/lifelonglearningprogram17

    Fees: MXN 400