Don Day’s special wine-pairing dinner. [] Silveyra’s Restaurante

  • 1-silveyra

Event Category: All Events and Food & Drink

  • Chef Ruben Silveyra returns to his roots this month with a dinner inspired by the cuisine of his hometown of Veracruz. Paired with the chef’s dishes will be three Mexican wines, two of which were awarded gold medals recently at the Seléctions Mondiales des Vins Canada.

    Veracruz Ensalada with cilantro lime dressing
    L.A. Cetto Vino Espumoso Champbrulé

    Veracruz Tamale with crushed corn, pork and chipotle
    Don Luis Viognier 2020

    Pescado a la Veracruzana
    Don Luis Concordia 2017

    Budin con Bourbon

    The date is December 15. The start time is 7:00 pm. The place is Silveyra’s. The address is Privada de Prolongacion de Aldama #8. The price is $700 plus service, per person, cash only; all guests must be vaccinated for Covid; and same-day cancellations and no-shows are still expected to pay. 

    To reserve, email and please note that these dinners usually sell out in the first few minutes.

    Family Owned Restaurant & Catering Service. Located in San Miguel De Allende.


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