Cena de Solstico/Solstice Dinner [] Merken Camprestre MX
Event Category: Food & Drink
Cena de Solstico/Solstice Dinner
Thursday, June 24, 2021
6 pm to 9 pmMerken Camprestre MX
We will receive the fertile Sun with a Tasting Dinner by our Chef Pablo Nicacio, 6 times of explosion of flavor accompanied by music on Vinyl, with its unique sound, by the Italian DJ Bruno Landis and to close this wonderful afternoon a small Concert of Ancestral songs by Yaya Fuentes around a restorative fire.
We will receive you with a welcome cocktail!The event will start exactly at 6:00 p.m. and ends at 9:00 p.m.
Ubicados a 10 minutos del centro de San Miguel de Allende por la Carretera a Dolores.
Located 10 minutes from downtown San Miguel de Allende on the Highway to Dolores.
El gran Desafío de llevar a su Mesa lo mejor y de acompañarle en una velada única, se ve reflejado en el resultado de la Fusión de los sabores, mezcla delicada de Comida Tradicional Mexicana con Productos del Pacifico Sur y de pueblos Originarios del Continente Sudamericano y la Música en vivo con Instrumentos del Mundo. The great Challenge of bringing the best to your table and accompanying you on a unique evening is reflected in the result of the Fusion of flavors, a delicate mixture of Traditional Mexican Food with Products from the South Pacific and Native peoples of the South American Continent and Live Music with Instruments of the World.