Street Dog Fundraiser [] Hotel Casa Feliciana

  • procanino

Event Category: All Events, Community Events, and Charity Events

  • We will have this very beautiful event to benefit all the dogs in the communities. Medical care and sterilization will be provided to the pets of people with limited resources. Please share. Contact Rosy Rangel. 4151130579 Come have fun and help change lives. Adopt, don’t buy.

    Tendremos este evento muy hermoso a beneficio de todos los perritos de las comunidades.Se dará atención médica y esterilizaciones a las mascotas de la gente con escasos recursos. Por favor comparte. Contactar a Rosy Rangel. 4151130579 Ven diviértete y ayuda a cambiar vidas. Adopta, no compres.


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