Para Amantes de bellas voces y Música Internacional Mexicana: Con emoción les invitamos a la presentación del Concierto: GRANDES COMPOSITORES DE NUESTROS RECUERDOS. Ahora en Read more [...]
Concierto de Jazz y Música Latinoamericana [] Teatro Santa Ana en la Biblioteca
Date: Dec. 5 at 3 p.m. Location: Teatro Santa Ana at the Biblioteca Pública Cost: 385 pesos, available at the Biblioteca ticket office or online Experience original music by Alberto Read more [...]
Opera Comedy / Entre Ópera y Risas [] Teatro Santa Ana en la Biblioteca
The combination of classical music, humor and talent of the artists promises an unforgettable evening. It is an opportunity to enjoy opera in a different Read more [...]
Allende Chamber Players [] Teatro Santa Ana en la Biblioteca
Attend the 4th edition of Allende Chamber Players! On this occasion you will be able to enjoy a unique classical music show with violins. Allende Read more [...]
Espectáculo de Flamenco: La Puerta del Duende [] Teatro Santa Ana en la Biblioteca
Espectáculo de Flamenco: La Puerta del Duende Si eres amante del flamenco o quieres conocer más sobre esta apasionante expresión artística, este espectáculo es una Read more [...]
Special House & Garden Tour [] La Biblioteca
This month’s special Biblioteca Tour takes us to the town of Atotonilco! First stop is the 18th century Mexican Baroque church that has been dubbed Read more [...]