La Camerata de la Nueva España and Malcolm Halliday, organist

  • organ

Event Category: All Events, Entertainment, and Musical Events

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    The acclaimed vocal octet La Camerata de la Neuva España from Guanajuato, GTO presents music from the Renaissance to the classical era, including works from the Iberian Pensinsula and New Spain. This concert will showcase not the beautiful acoustics of the Temple of the Third Order. Chorale Artistic Director Malcolm Halliday will be the organist. Please note that ticket prices are given for online purchases in US dollars. Tickets may also be purchased in pesos at Casa Europa, and Tienda Tesoros in the Biblioteca Pública starting the beginning of August. Tickets will also be available at the door, depending on availability. Please note that some price categories may be limited at the door, advanced purchase is recommended.

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