There will be the Stations of the Cross, pilgrimages and everything related to Holy Week in San Miguel de Allende.

  • si-habra-viacrucis-peregrinaciones-y-todo-lo-referente-a-la-semana-santa-en-san-miguel-de-allende

News Category: News, Community News, and General Discussion

  • Published March 17th, 2022

    This 2022 the streets are painted purple, the traditional processions return, families will enjoy and participate in the activities of Lent and Holy Week in San Miguel de Allende and municipalities that make up the Diocese of Celaya.

    In an official communiqué, the Bishop of the Diocese of Celaya, Victor Alejandro Aguilar Ledesma, ratifies the following information:

    Having begun this time of grace and conversion proper to Lent, having our gaze on the Lord’s Easter, the Church invites us year after year to prepare ourselves each day to celebrate the great mysteries of our faith in the upcoming Easter feasts.

    After having experienced such difficult times for the whole of humanity with the Virological

    humanity with the COVID 19 pandemic, the Lord continues to look at us with love and wants our salvation, therefore he gives us a new opportunity to get closer to him through our brothers and sisters who have suffered the most from this disease.

    With the advent of vaccines, great support has been found in the prevention and treatment of this pandemic. All sectors of society have reactivated their activities, so we in the Church must also return to our activities of worship and popular piety that take place inside and outside the temples, such as the representations of Holy Week and pilgrimages, without neglecting the prevention protocols that we already know and that it is still necessary to observe.

    That is why I encourage the reactivation of all liturgical, pious, and devotional celebrations with 100 percent seating capacity, giving priority to those in which social distancing can be greater. For celebrations or activities that require permits from the civil authorities, follow the measures requested of them in time and form, so that the safety of the faithful may be guaranteed.

    May Mary Most Holy, Queen of Peace, accompany our journey so that violence may cease in our town and we may

    violence ceases in our town and we can celebrate with tranquility and harmony the celebrations of this time of the year.

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