Virtual Help with Requesting Your Ballot!
Event Category: Presentations/Discussions
Request Your Ballot Via Zoom!
Saturday, August 29, 2020
1:00 pmZOOM
You can vote in the November elections! Just go to to register and/or request your ballot, or RSVP for a virtual tutorial to help you request your ballot for 2020. Join us and we will answer any questions you have about voting! The Zoom link will be provided in the reply to your RSVP. To RSVP, CLICK HERE.
Thursday (by appointment), Friday & Saturday, our offices are open at Ancha de San Antonio #19 from 12 pm – 3 pm.
Also, every Sunday we have an open Zoom session for 24 hours to get help & information. CLICK HERE for more information and the Zoom links.
Hope Bradberry, Chair, Democrats Abroad SMA