*ONLINE* “Our Water Crisis” [] Caminos de Agua

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Event Category: Presentations/DiscussionsEvent Tags: Community Organization, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), and Nonprofit Organization

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  • Our Water Crisis

    Tuesday, Mar 31 – 11:00 am

    Live Stream Online

    Hosted by the Center for Global Justice, Caminos de Agua’s executive director, Dylan Terrell, will give a virtual presentation live on YouTube, Tuesday, March 31st from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The talk will focus on local as well as national and global water quality and scarcity issues and will be accompanied by a screening of the short documentary film, “Consuming the Future,” which investigates the impact of agriculture on water resources in northern Guanajuato, Mexico.

    Dylan will be available to answer questions in real time after the presentation through the YouTube Live chatbox.  The video will be available on social media and the Caminos de Agua website later in the week.

    Caminos de Agua is a community focused, data-driven, and science-oriented non-governmental organization (NGO) based in San Miguel de Allende. We drive to empower local at-risk communities to obtain adequate supplies of safe and healthy drinking water. Today, Caminos de Agua is a team of ten full- and part-time employees, plus several graduate-level engineering and public interest interns from Engineers Without Borders UK and other universities and institutions. We’re a mix of expat residents and Mexicans, technologists and community organizers, researchers and educators, united by our concern for public health and welfare. Caminos de Agua is organized as a registered nonprofit in both the U.S. and Mexico. At Caminos de Agua, we believe that access to safe, healthy drinking water should be a fundamental human right. We help communities at risk confront challenges of water quality and scarcity through:

    1. Water monitoring 2. Education 3. Community-led solutions 4. Research and development 5. Activism


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