Concierto a beneficio/Benefit Concert || Casa Canal -Home Decor & Furniture

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Event Category: Charity Events and Musical Events

  • Benefit Concert

    Saturday, august 10th, 2019
    from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

    Casa Canal -Home Decor & Furniture
    Canal 4

    Francisco Barrios “El Mastuerzo”, a founding member of the Botellita de Jerez group, is presented with classic themes and new creations now at the rhythm of son, accompanied by Calle 4.

    As part of the artistic exhibition, the work of the Mexican painter Virginia Gómez del Campo will be exhibited.

    A percentage of the tickets will be donated to the Red Cross and General Hospital of San Miguel de Allende.

    Francisco Barrios “El Mastuerzo”, a founding member of the Botellita de Jerez group, is presented with classic themes and new creations now at the rhythm of son, accompanied by Calle 4.

    As part of the artistic exhibition, the work of the Mexican painter Virginia Gómez del Campo will be exhibited.

    A percentage of the tickets will be donated to the Red Cross and General Hospital of San Miguel de Allende.

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    Casa Canal -Home Decor & Furniture Centro, Hidalgo 3, 415 152 0479, 152 1086, Crafting functional, beautiful furniture. Colonial and contemporary, elegant touches, complementing any type of construction / decor. We can reproduce any design. Also see our painting, sculpture, craft exposition and boutique.


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