Firefighters of San Miguel de Allende, vocation and service

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News Category: News and Community News

  • Published August 23, 2024

    On Firefighter’s Day, President Mauricio Trejo recognized the dedication and courage of the firefighters in San Miguel de Allende.

    From the esplanade of the Main Garden, in an event in charge of SMA Firefighters and Paramedics, Mauricio Trejo, underscored the invaluable work that this exemplary group does daily, to maintain peace and tranquility in the municipality.

    “Congratulations to all the Firefighters. Just as Independence Day, the discovery of America, is celebrated with great importance, just as each one celebrates their birthday, I believe that celebrating Firefighter’s Day is extremely important because they have already said it here, they are the heroes without capes who are on the lookout every day to risk their lives for us and they do it voluntarily,” said Mauricio Trejo.

    During the protocol act, the chief of SMA Firefighters and Paramedics, Juan Isaac Salazar Martínez, accompanied by councilor Carlos González, expressed their recognition to the Municipal Government, for the constant support to their corporation, since its creation and throughout this time.

    Own assets
    Present before all the elements, the municipal president affirmed that soon this emergency corps will have its own property for the use of its work.

    Likewise, he led the delivery of the new Forestry First Intervention unit for firefighting in mountain areas, as well as tactical breathing equipment, which will continue to allow effective response to emergencies and continue to provide an excellent service to the people of San Miguel.

    This event, which brought together members of the SMA Fire Department and Paramedics, municipal authorities and citizens, reflected the deep respect and admiration that the San Miguel Government gives to its “true local heroes.”

    After the recent death of José Ortiz “Negro” Moya, the mayor of San Miguel gave a minute of applause in his memory, recalling his more than 40 years of experience as an exemplary Sanmiguelense for his professionalism as a media outlet.

    “I can’t help but be nostalgic when I see so many cameras, reporters and photographers; I can’t help but feel nostalgic for our great friend “Negro” Moya, who went ahead of us and although it has nothing to do with firefighters, it has to do with part of society, of a San Miguel native, and that’s how we San Miguel residents are, we are one regardless of our origins. You missed “Negrito”, but you are present,” said Mauricio Trejo.

    In addition, the Secretary of Citizen Security, Andrei García; Roberto Pérez, director of Civil Protection, and Sofía Álvarez, head of the municipal office of Liaison with NGOs.

    Recognizing the value of the “heroes without capes”, the Municipal Government continues to work hand in hand with the city’s emergency corps, so that the people of San Miguel live in a safer environment every day.

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