Angela Kaset is Back! [] Café Murmullo
Event Category: All Events, Entertainment, and Musical Events
It has been six months since Angela Kaset has performed in SMA, and she’s back at Cafe Murmullo on August 28.
If you haven’t heard her yet, you’re in for a treat.
She’s been a professional songwriter for over 40 years. In 1997 she was the SESAC writer of the year and is a recipient of the BMI Million Air award. In addition to writing songs for other artists she is a beloved performer whose soulful and expressive voice has been heard in venues across the globe. Her four albums can be heard on
Spotify, YouTube and all streaming platforms.
Now living in San Miguel de Allende she is performing here about six times a year. We are presenting her concerts to both share her music, and to give back to the to the community. The proceeds of her solo concerts will go to organizations that benefit San Miguel. For this concert we are giving the proceeds to Patronato Pro Niños, an organization that provides medical, dental and psychological services for children in need in San Miguel de Allende.
Reservations are necessary as we are anticipating selling out. To reserve contact Bruce McGaw on Facebook Messenger.