24 Smiles Vs 3: The real difference between Mexico and the US

  • smile

News Category: News and General Discussion

  • Published June 2, 2024

    Is Mexico a happy country? Safety and smiles are how I view my life here after seven years. You may find that strange, so let me share this little story that sums up perfectly why this is my view and how it relates to the common misconception that Mexico is unsafe.

    My friend is a wellness coach up in Vermont, who specializes in helping women with autoimmune issues. Interested in all things that can help her clients she asked me to do a little experiment with her by smiling after reading a study on how smiling is a mood enhancer. It not only lifts your mood but elevates a positive mindset and helps deal with anxiety and depression. Something a lot of her clientele deal with after being diagnosed with autoimmune issues.

    The task was simple. Go to the supermarket to pick up a couple of things and smile at every person you pass. She was in Vermont and I was in Cozumel, so we decided to see how smiling would affect our mood — but also to see how many people smiled back, something which also greatly improves happiness. After all, if you smile and no one smiles back that’s a bit of a bummer, right?

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