Why is Santa Cruz Del Valle del Maíz celebrated

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News Category: News and Community News

  • Neighbors prepare a party to honor the Santa Cruz Del Valle del Maíz in San Miguel de Allende that attracts thousands of visitors, we tell you its origin

    Published May 24, 2024

    The Corn Valley (Valle del Maíz) is one of the oldest neighborhoods in San Miguel de Allende and during this month it is celebrating the veneration of the Holy Cross, in a mixture of Catholic and pre-Hispanic traditions.

    Locals and visitors come together during the last weekend of May for the deep-rooted celebration that attracts thousands of visitors.

    The festivity begins in mid-May with various events, however, the last days are the most anticipated and attended because on the Thursday before the last weekend of the month, Guillermo Velázquez and Los Leones de la Sierra de Xichú honor the Holy Cross from the stage.

    As it has been for 35 years, it is a celebration that brings together locals and strangers to the rhythm of the huapango arribeño and that, at the end, marks the beginning of the ritual with which they give thanks for the blessings received during the past year and pray for a good rainy season and an abundant harvest.

    The celebration venerates a Catholic symbol, but also performs indigenous dances and rituals such as the blessing to the four winds, part of the Chichimeca culture before Spanish rule, and the vigil of the cruise ship and fireworks on Friday night.

    On Saturday and Sunday, the neighbourhood wakes up with the dawn:

    On Saturday, in addition, dances from different parts of the country are received and the traditional yuntas and guerritas of Indians and soldiers are performed, there is stick, dancing and pyrotechnics, tonight’s vigil is joined by representatives of several communities of the municipality.

    On Sunday the celebration extends to the city, dances of chinelos, apaches and matlachines, from Valtierrilla, San Luis de La Paz, Aguascalientes, Lagos de Moreno, Comonfort, Silao, Tlaxcala, Victoria and communities of San Miguel, join mojigangas, stilt walkers, locos and allegorical floats in a tour that leaves at 11 in the morning from the Corn Valley and passes through the main streets of the city.

    The festivity culminates with the burning of pyrotechnics, monkeys, bulls and a castle, hoping that the Holy Cross will grant for this year a season of abundant rain and with it an excellent harvest.


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