Art and color fill the streets of Guadalupe

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News Category: News, Art News, and Community News

  • Published May 24, 2024

    Over the years, the streets of Colonia Guadalupe have become giant canvases for local and foreign artists. What began as a cultural project to which one of the streets at the end of the colonia was destined ended up becoming the identity of a community that is proud to exhibit urban art in majestic murals.

    Several years ago, a large wall on Canción India Street was set aside for urban artists to paint more than 15 murals that would be changed year after year. As time went by, the creators began to look for more spaces and the neighbors have given them up after witnessing the quality of the works.

    There are now more than 50 murals that adorn the facades with paintings of animals, people, daily, historical and even religious scenes, landscapes, caricatures, abstract works or simple fretwork.

    Although most of the murals have been painted for free by visual artists who request the spaces, some get sponsors among people and businesses in the city. There are also those who, upon arriving to live in the neighborhood, adopt this peculiar characteristic by hiring graffiti artists to decorate their facades.

    Colonia Guadalupe, a popular San Miguel neighborhood located near the downtown area, welcomes visitors and locals alike who leave in awe as they stroll through its colorful streets.

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