Celebrating the festival of Valle de Maiz

  • corn

News Category: News and Community News

  • Celebrating the Festival of Valle de Maiz (Valley of the Corn) in San Miguel de Allende

    Published May 15, 2024

    by Efrain Gonzales

    The local people on these dates ask for a good storm and give thanks for another year.

    One of the most anticipated festivals in San Miguel de Allende is that of the Valle del Maíz neighborhood, where we are days away from starting a month of cultural and artistic events and continuing to share this year’s tradition with the entire community of SMA.

    From May 15 to 27, the Valle del Maíz neighborhood festival will take place, where there will be a lot of culture, concerts and dances to ask the Santa Cruz del Valle del Maíz for a good storm and excellent harvests, being one of the traditions oldest in this city, estimated over a 100 years. Valle de Maiz is one of the oldest neighborhoods in this city and it is said that the majority are of Otomi and Chichimeca ancestry and in this month of May a great festival is held in honor of the Holy Cross with a diversity of events for 13 consecutive days.

    On May 15, will begin with the visit of the Holy Cross to the house of the Bárcenas Godínez family, where there will be a vigil and that night the preparation of Chimal or Xuchil will take place, which is made with the teaspoon leaf that comes from the plants of the semi-desert area. The súchil or Chimal is a floral offering in gratitude to God for everything he gives us through the earth, water and sun.

    On Thursday, May 23, don’t miss out on seeing the running of the Abuelitas ( Grandmothers foot race ) and right after The Lions of the Sierra de Xichu will perform, which are already a tradition at this festival and is one of the biggest parties in San Miguel.

    On Saturday the 25th, the traditional war of Apaches against soldiers will take place, the location is in Salida a Querétaro to the west of the Plaza Real del Conde, right in the parking lot of the Tuesday square, and will begin at 5 p.m.

    Sunday, May 26, will be a day of great tradition with the visit of different dance groups from both San Miguel de Allende and different parts of Mexico that visit the holy cross, and in the evening the traditional hidden treasure will take place and Palo ensebado (greased pole) outside the temple square.

    The objective of this traditional festival is to give thanks for the blessings received during the past year and to ask for a good rainy season and harvest.

    If you visit San Miguel de Allende on those dates, be sure to go to the Valle del Maíz neighborhood, which has one of the best celebrations dedicated to the Holy Cross.

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