The Biblioteca Publica [] The History of Art in San Miguel

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News Category: News, Community News, and General Discussion

  • Published August 28, 2024

    by Natalie Taylor

    “All the world’s a stage,” says Shakespeare in the famous line from As You like It. Then he declares that we’re all just actors, and “one man in his life plays many parts.” As true as this is for individuals, I believe that a similar metaphor may apply to buildings as well. A perfect example is the Bibioteca Publica—the Public Library of San Miguel.

    Do you know all the roles the Bilbioteca Publica plays in the lives of San Miguel de Allende Residents? But more interestingly, do you know all that it has been throughout its long history? Come and find out….

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    ¿Conoces todos los roles que juega la Bilbioteca Pública en la vida de los residentes de San Miguel de Allende? Pero lo más interesante es que ¿sabes todo lo que ha sido a lo largo de su dilatada historia? Ven y descúbrelo….


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